Hope under Extreme Persecution

We are taught that all Christians will be persecuted.
If we do not feel persecuted, then we should first ask whether we
have been beaten down so much by the world that we no longer feel
If not, then we should ask whether the persecution has been delayed
by our Lord.

Finally, we should ask whether we are true Christians.
The divisions within the Body of Christ caused by worldly forces
and the weaknesses of Christians persecute all Christians.
The days of wars between Christians are over, but the days of silent
denial between one church and another church continues.
In fact, wars actually imply that Christians cared about the unity of
the Body.

 How painful it is to realize that another Christian in another
denomination is too removed to care and too distant to love.
I feel the burden of Christian disunity on my spirit every day.
I feel the coming darkness because Christians are not united enough
to stand.
I feel the days when many Christians will weaken in front of the
I feel the times when true Christians will endure extreme
I feel the end of days.
As darkness grows within the world, Christians will become the

Christians will have to live under secularism and other ideologies.
And, Christians will be punished for following God’s will.
Christians will lose jobs and lose friends.
Christians will be mocked and laughed at.
Christians will be ostracized and avoided.

Further, our own immaturity in understanding the Word will be used
against us.
Secular intellectuals will use the incorrect Biblical interpretations of
Christians to argue against the Body of Christ.
Other religions will use the incorrect actions of Christians to draw in

Powerful and wealth leaders will use the incorrect desires of
Christians to corrupt the weak.
When all that is left after the persecution of the mind and spirit are
Christians who have remained faithful and mature to the Word,
When all that is left are the olive trees and lamp stands that stand
before the Lord of earth,

The extreme physical persecution of Christians will begin.
I shall have hope that the coming of my Lord is near.
I shall have hope that my spirit can endure the tortures of the body.
I shall have hope that in death I will be in the loving arms of my
I know that hope is true for my love and faith is true.


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