Growing the Merciful

The merciful use power gently to help and not to harm.
The merciful use wealth wisely to care and to change.
The merciful use abilities to right wrongs and uplift others.
The merciful forgive when wronged.
The merciful forget when offended.
The merciful feel for the poor and helpless.
The merciful accept the limitation of others.
The merciful understand the weaknesses of man.
The merciful reject sin but embrace the sinner.

Christians must recognize sin and Christians must have mercy.
As we look at others, we need to remember how we have wronged
and offended God.
How often have we wandered away from our relationship with the

How often have we ignored Christ’s teachings?
How often have we pursued worldly pleasures that harm the spirit?
How often have we rejected our life’s calling?
How often have we betrayed the love of others?
How often have we hurt others for personal gains?
How often have we dreamed of evil things?
How often have we failed as Christians?

Yet, the Lord granted us boundless mercy as a part of His grace.
We were the marble once cast aside.
We were the people once not His own.
We were the slaves of darkness now His children.
Christians must grow our mercy to reflect the mercy offered to us.

Christian leaders must be merciful when dealing with sins in the
Preach the truth about sin, which all stems from a lack of love.
Preach also the acceptance of others who sin.
We should separate the Body of Christ from those who
unrepentantly advocates sin.
However, we should not end our love for the separated and prayers
for them to one day return to the embrace of Body.

 Christian warriors must be merciful when combating the armies of
Forgive them for their spiritual weaknesses, but block them from
advancing the agenda of the Beasts.
Act in all ways to give people chances to repent.
Even the cruelest of people could spiritually awaken if we show
them mercy.
Even the most fervent attackers could have doubt if we show them
We should only pursue power if power can be a reflection of our

We should only acquire wealth if wealth can be an expression of our
We should only train in capabilities if those capabilities can be an
extension of our mercy.
The Body of Christ must be merciful,
And the merciful belongs to the Body of Christ.


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